Be Informed

This blog is created so that parents can be involved and help other parents stay informed about what is happening at our school.

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Planned Parenthood & Maturation Clinic on Wednesday May 22nd

 When we received the permission slip we then went to the school and asked about the curriculum. Our first concern was the wording of the permission slip and we wanted to know what all the topics were that would be taught and not just that "some of the topics are body changes and hygiene" . ..  we were told that Planned Parenthood was the vendor for this Maturation clinic. 

At the very least, the permission slip should have had complete information about the presentation to include the name of the organization presenting it, the fact that it was an outside organization doing the presentation, and preferably some detailed information about the curriculum and the issues surrounding it. 

R277-474 is the board rule that was created to comply with the provisions in 53A-13-101 that deal with human sexuality education in secondary schools.  The rule was amended in April of 2011 to include maturation education. Maturation education is not to be junior “sex education.” 
The rule states:

“Maturation education means instruction and materials used to provide fifth or sixth grade
students with age appropriate, accurate information regarding the physical and emotional
changes associated with puberty, to assist in protecting students from abuse and to promote
hygiene and good health practices.”

"Maturation programs must include a parent notification form and an opt-in provision. The
speakers, presenters and materials must be reviewed and approved by an LEA (Local Education Agency) committee and the materials and program must be approved by the local Board of Education."

53A-13-101 States : B) that the adoption of instructional materials shall take place in an open and regular meeting of the local school board for which prior notice is given to parents and guardians of students attending schools in the district and an opportunity for them to express their views and opinions on the materials at the meeting.

Parental Consent
Require a student's parent or legal guardian to be notified in advance and have an
opportunity to review the information for which parental consent is required under Sections
76-7-322 and 76-7-323.

The USOE-generated form clearly outlines the course of instruction and must be in the hands of parents a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of instruction. This allows parents time to dialog with teachers regarding course content.

Q. Is there a screening process in place for the human sexuality resources and
guest speakers?
A. Yes. In accordance with Utah Law, each LEA (Local Education Agency) has an active Human Sexuality Instructional Materials Committee in place that previews resources and guest
speakers before use in its classrooms.

"Schools and Teachers may NOT use materials or speakers that have not been approved by the LEA's Board of Education." From letter sent to all Charters By Utah State Office of Education April 12, 2011.

The quotes above were in the following document linked here which was emailed to the Board Members and Principal Fuller so they could review their responsibilities in this matter:

The board is supposed to have reviewed these materials and they have apparently not done their due diligence and done what is required in the law.

We have voiced concerns on this issue since May 9th which Principal Fuller was also recipient of our concerns.  At the School Board Meeting tonight he said he would follow up with us tomorrow on the decisions surrounding this clinic and it's curriculum.  He said he was going to look into the information that will be presented by Planned Parenthood and other curriculum alternatives that would meet the State requirements. But the Board left this decision up to him to choose the vendor and curriculum and the law states that this decision should be a School Board decision and the Human Sexuality Instructional Materials Committee which I am not sure if High Mark has this committee.

At the meeting We weren't allowed to speak or even comment before the Board rendered it's decision that it is up to Principal Fuller to choose the vendor.  They said this was not a board matter when clearly the law states that it is.

For us this is a Board issue as it concerns the curriculum taught in the school and the school board should have deciding in it's curriculum on this as much as Reading, Writing, and Math.  We were disappointed in the lack of the Board to see the concern and that this was their decision as to the curriculum being taught. Despite the Law that Parents should be able to view the curricula and express their views during an open Board Meeting and not just one Principal's decision a month before the curricula is taught to our children!  This is a decision for the Board and the Parents of the School. 

I have asked to review the curricula and I was told I could attend the event.  This does not comply with the law and our parental rights!  We have the right to look at the curricula and make comment on the curricula that may be chosen to teach such sensitive material to our children!  We are suppose to be able to review the curricula in advance of making the decision if our children will attend. According to the law that information should be in the hands of parents at least 2 weeks in advance of even signing the permission slip to say whether or not we choose for our children to attend.

Protect our rights as parents!  Call & Email Principal Fuller ( (801) 476-4627) and the School Board members immediately and protect all our rights!

Principal Fuller said he made the decision a month ago to use Planned Parenthood despite it being removed from the Utah State Approved Curriculum which he was unaware that it wasn't supported. 

This event could be cancelled and moved to another appropriate date when appropriate curriculum can be acquired and Presented to parents before teaching our children blindly with it.

There area  few choices that the School can choose from to meet it's State Requirements . . . Here are a few:


This letter (below) was read in at the school board meeting tonight for public comment.

If you are also concerned about this Maturation Clinic.  Please Contact Principal Fuller and the School Board members to voice your concerns.

Here is the letter in it's entirety:

Highmark Charter School Board,
I am writing to you before the board meeting tonight because I cannot attend and I needed to bring something to your attention.  I hope that you can discuss this tonight and find an alternative to the Maturation Clinic scheduled for Wednesday.
My concern is that the selected curriculum for this clinic and the presentation is provided by Planned Parenthood.  In case you are not familiar with this highly controversial organization, they are the nation's largest abortion provider.  That is their product and they are more than happy to come into a school full of impressionable fifth-graders for marketing, brand promotion and product placement reasons.
Proctor and Gamble provides a similar but less offensive curriculum and they are not in the business of providing abortions.  Why would either group provide this kind of curriculum?  Both groups have profit motivated goals - they want to sell a product.  Proctor and Gamble is hoping to provide product and brand placement to the children (specifically the girls) who attend hoping that they can sell them feminine hygiene products.  Similarly, Planned Parenthood hopes to establish credibility and visibility with the children of their brand in order to sell to them their offensive products (abortion) in the future. 
You can find out more about the Proctor and Gamble program by going to
I am trying to obtain the actual state curriculum list for the maturation requirement and have called the USOE for more information, but I do not have it at this time.  What I can tell you is that the Planned Parenthood curriculum was removed from the Utah State Board of Education approved curriculum list in May of 2011 because it was presented by Planned Parenthood and it was not age appropriate. 

I have attached a document from the Board for you to review and discuss.  You can also view the curriculum guide at
I think that it is of paramount importance that you work to protect the children from the motives and machinations of offensive organizations such as Planned Parenthood.  I also think that the information that was provided to parents about this upcoming Maturation Clinic was terribly inadequate.  It did not allow parents to make a fully informed decision primarily because it did not name the specific curriculum, it did not mention the name of the organization coming in to the school to present their curriculum, and it did not provide a link to the curriculum that is available for review online.  In fact, I do not believe that the permission slip met the requirements required by Utah Administrative Code R277-474, School Instruction and Human Sexuality. 
As I said, I can't attend tonight's school board meeting to discuss this.  My daughter is graduating from High School in a couple of weeks and tonight is her final Honor Society event.  That is where my priority lies this evening.  It it my hope that you will take this information seriously and out of concern for the children you will discussion this and find an alternative this evening. 
Feel free to call me to discuss this or to reply to this email.
Todd Evans


  1. First let me say that I am against "maturation" or sex ed. being taught in the classroom, as I believe this to be a matter of personal belief and something that should be taught at home, and I am deeply against Planned Parenthood doing the teaching. However, I respect Principal Fuller's decision to have it taught, his choice of vendors and his offer to allow the parents to opt their children out. While I agree that the vendor should have been made clear on the permission slip, as well as what the children who opt out will be doing, I firmly believe that overall it is a parents job to make sure that they are fully informed and aware of what curriculum their child is exposed to and make the decision to allow their child to be taught that curriculum or provide an alternative. I can't tell you how many English assignments I have had my children excused from over the years because the material did not meet my standards. But I was only aware that it did not meet my standards because I did my due diligence as a parent and I looked into it. Ultimately, it is my job, as a parent to be informed. It is my job as a parent to make the choice for my child. My school of choice, it's administration and it's teachers are not responsible for raising my child. I am. They are simply there to assist me. If I don't do my job, my due diligence as a parent, then I have failed at my most important job. But on the other hand, it is not my place to force my opinions and beliefs on other parents and their children. I am happy to make others aware of my opinions, but to force the school to remove the curriculum because I do not agree with what is being taught is likened to the Mormons being forced out of their homes because the locals did not agree with what they believed. I believe that Principal Fuller is a reasonable and intelligent man and I believe that if less than half the school is allowed to participate is the maturation program presented by Planned Parenthood, then next year, he will reconsider his choice. However, I would be very saddened if he were to change his decision based on the opinions of only the 50 who sent emails when the school is a community of hundreds. That would be as bad as politicians succumbing to lobbyists. I would also be very saddened to find that many parents, whom I know share my same beliefs, signed the permission slip, without first having done their due diligence and getting all of the necessary information to make an informed decision.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The curriculum was not reviewed and selected in the manner required by the law. The law applicable to this matter was passed because of this specific Planned Parenthood curriculum making it into schools. The law clearly states how the curriculum is to be chosen and requires that parents have an opportunity to review it and comment to the school board BEFORE the curriculum is chosen.

      If the board had done the homework required by law and parents were fully informed and brought in to participate in the curriculum and presenter selection, as required by law, there wouldn't be this last minute issue. This is clearly the fault of the school board for not complying with the law. Don't blame the parents who are calling attention to the issue. It is unfortunate that the board said, literally, "this is not a board issue" when, by law, it clearly IS a board issue. And then they dumped the uncomfortable decision back on the already overwhelmed Principal.

      Curriculum choices aside, associating the school with the nation's largest abortion provider and allowing them to come into the school to establish brand familiarity with elementary school children is unacceptable. There is other maturation curriculum available that the school can use that does not involve an offensive organization like Planned Parenthood. It doesn't matter if only one parent notices and speaks up or dozens. Planned Parenthood and its abortion business (they have an income of literally $1 billion per year, much of it from the abortions the commit) has no place in any elementary or middle school.

  2. I completely agree that it's parents who should teach these subjects.
    But I also believe the school needs to follow the law and abide by it so that parents are afforded to ability to see the curricula and that this is a curriculum issue that the School Board should be dealing with and as the law states parents and the school board work together and parents have the right to voice their opinions about the curriculum for this sensitive topic.
    The State of Utah feels that this needs to be in the curriculum to help prevent abuse which I agree needs addressed since 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys are sexually abused.
    But it is how our school handles this that is at issue.
    Lets help the school decide on a curriculum we as parents can approve is age appropriate and the information provided to them meets the goals of appropriate education.
    I know our school is new and still all of us are learning our abilities to help in many ways.
    This subject too needs our help to ensure the age appropriate information is being presented and that we as parents have the abilities to view and discuss the curriculum before it is presented and not just told we can attend at the same time the info is presented to our children.
    Businesses have reasons they market to our kids and which products do we as parents want out children associating positively with maturation.
    Product placement happens and this is no different.
    Lets make sure as parents this is what is safe and right for all the children who are attending.
